Sunday, September 26, 2004

Another picture of balloons. They were pretty and stuff, but there's only so much you can do at this kind of event. We didn't stay too long. Posted by Hello
The Balloon Glow at Bowman Field Friday night. It was nice enough. Posted by Hello

Friday, September 17, 2004

Sunset a few weeks ago. Posted by Hello

Introducing the Vacation '04 Photos

Beginning 3 posts below you will see a bunch of photos from our family vacation out west in July. We went with Keri's family for a crazy 8 days or so. After spending one day and night each at the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas, we spent a few days in the LA area and then a few days in San Diego. We had a lot of fun.

Above this post I will continue to post photos because, well, we like to take pictures.
The house a few weeks ago...  Posted by Hello

Flowers in front of the house Posted by Hello